Armed with the Word of God, her keyboard, and melodious voice, Helisa Warren is a prophetic worship leader who is on the cutting edge of elevating corporate worship. She embraces and carries the apostolic anointing in her DNA, which is crucial in enforcing God's presence.

Since the age of seven, singing and playing the piano, Helisa has never been afraid to flow prophetically through lyrics and melodies. She is a graduate of Drury University (BA - Mass Communication) and Anderson University (BA - Music Business). In both settings, she had countless opportunities to minister through music. Her calling is to release Heaven's sound among the body of Christ throughout cities, regions, the United States, and the nations of the world. She loves to go after God's heart in her worship ministry. It is evident in prayer and worship meetings, Sunday morning services, and training she has facilitated.

Helisa is the CEO and founder of Train 2 Regain and a vocal and piano coach for all ages. She trains, teach, coach, consults, and encourages her students to go beyond their limitations in the natural. Through the "Unlocking the Sound Within" mentorship program, she equips her students/clients to find their spiritual voice and release it on the earth. This mentorship is for such a time as this! The key is letting the SOUND of GOD resonate throughout the land!

It calls this realm into order and causes shifts from Heaven's perspective, stating,

"Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Matthew 6:10

Through Helisa Warren Music, as a songwriter, minstrel, and worship leader, Helisa creates prophetic worship music (lyrics and instrumental) to be used in all seven mountains of culture. She collaborates melodies, chord progressions, and the SOUND of Heaven. Her instrumental music is currently for young children's nap time, study time, creative time for young people, healing sessions, prophetic warfare, adult prayer, and ministry time. This music and the sound transforms the heart, mind and spirit toward the Heavenly Father.  Her ultimate goal is to please God with her worship. She is the daughter of the Living God and loves Him deeply.

Helisa has been featured in SHOUTOUT DFW. Click links below to view the articles



“We will not be a generation who let the signals and the sounds of Heaven pass us by.”

— Helisa Warren



Worship Ministry

Sing! Play! Worship! Minister!

Host the presence of God!

Perfect for devotional times, ministry for prayer & worship meetings. LIVE sessions at a conference and/or Sunday morning worship services.

Submit worship ministry inquiries via “BOOK NOW” button.



Let’s meet in person! Let’s meet on Zoom! I love speaking to groups of all sizes. My messages are both down to earth and focused up - to the ONE where our help comes from.

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I coach! I train! I mentor! I consult!

I would love to assist you to walk out your unique purposes and complete your amazing projects. More details of Train 2 Regain and its services, go to the Train 2 Regain. tab.

For your coaching inquiries, book a FREE consultation (20 minute discovery call), via “Let’s Connect” button!